Here I am at the end of cycle 5 (though we weren't trying to avoid for 6 cycles). I have to say that I thought this cycle was it until this morning. I have taken tests and all are negative. It's early, but not really that early for me b/c my LPs are usually in the 11 day range. Though it's important and great to see my LP get longer (trying to be positive this month if it indeed ends in BFN), I want that dang BFP! I mean duh who doesn't. But, I have cramps and my boobs are less sore today, and usually if I have sore boobs and they start to get less sore, that mean AF is on her way. Booooooooooooo
I'm starting to operate by the you gotta just keep truckin' mantra. There are people that have been trying for well over a year or longer, and here I am starting to get worried that something's wrong. I think this next month will be my last month of charting and supplementing. Instead of Vitex, B6, EPO, Green Tea and VitC, I'm just going to take EPO until I get a OPK+ and take a B-complex. I'm changing to the B-complex b/c I'm vegan and I should be taking it anyway. So one more month on my cocktail and one more month charting. After that, it's OPKs and testing 14 days after OPK+. Here's hoping.
If I hit the year mark, I can take in the charts I have; but, in the end my OB/GYN's going to want to do his own tests anyway. Hopefully, it doesn't come to that. I have to admit though, in the back of my mind, I can't help but think that things really do happen the way they're supposed to. The closer my "due date" get's to Spring 2010, the better off the hubby and I will be (aka he might graduate then, and be able to work full time).
In somewhat related news, I have come to the VERY strong conclusion that I WILL see a RE once we hit the year mark, or at least START the process. My GP BFPB got some not so fun news recently, which reinforces my conclusion. Other boo-hoo news is my brother and SIL are splitting. They were scheduled for an IUI on Good Friday, and instead they decided to get a divorce!!! She was both my friend, sister and fertility buddy. We would talk about so much. Anyway, I'm going to move onto next cycle, and after this next's back to the lazy new-fashioned way.