Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Excitement is Building

Even though I know that my chances each month have seriously diminished, I find myself still excited about pending O. This is a great thing in my opinion. It means I haven't given up...and I have to say (though many would see this as stupid) I find that not charting has created a sort of Las Vegas energy. It's like even though I know the odds are slim to none, I still feel like I have as much of a chance as anyone else. We shall see if this aire lasts post "predicted" O. I may end up second guessing my timing, wishing we'd tried harder, wishing I knew exactly how many DPO I am. But, there's only one way to find out what works best for me!

In the mean time, I'm doing AWESOME in my quest to run three 1/2Ms in 4 months. Week 1 down, and passed w/flying colors! I ran 7 miles like a rock star on Saturday in beautiful Ottawa. The running trails there are extensive and border the river. Couldn't have asked for better progress. I was really struggling this week, and then BAM! 7 miles came like I was back to my old self. I'm pretty optimistic that things were meant to work out this way (or is that the endorphins talking). Oh, I guess I should mention that depending on how the 2nd 1/2 M goes, if I am not pg, I might train for the Full instead of the 1/2! Woooo wooooo.

I also wanted to add that I couldn't have done any of this w/o G. He's been sooooo supportive and right there with me. He ran 7 miles for the 1st time this weekend. He's not planning on running the 1/2 (he's doing the 10K, it will be his 1st). But, he's determined to get as healthy as possible. He is really bringing it to the table as far as trying to do whatever he can to rememdy the SA issue, and is certainly determined to get out of our unhealthy rut regardless of whether it ends in a BFP or not. THANKS BABY!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are going great for you!!! That's so great to hear!!! GL with your 1/2 marathons!
