Tuesday, June 2, 2009


The oven is pre-heated! My first cycle w/o charting is actually going quite well. No GTE this month, but I still got EWCM! I am taking the EPO, so perhaps that is the culprit after all. Like clockwork, I got an OPK+ two days after my first FCM, and looks like I'll be O'ing sometime today! I'm pretty lucky that my cycles were consistent enough over 6 cycles, to learn to gague my fertile time so I have a descent idea of where I am in my cycle. It looks like the 4 OPKs I had left over from last cycle were enough to get the job done. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to order some more for next cycle or not, I think I'll wait and see how this cycle turns out and see what the Dr. has to say about my BW.

Speaking of BW. G got some done yesterday, as well. He also had his IU apt. and the Urologist doesn't seem too concerned w/the morphology #. Since his count is so good, and his motility is damn near 100%, he felt had enough information to suggest getting moving w/me. That's why I got BW yesterday. When I relayed this info to my Dr. he was ready to go, and ordered the BW for that evening. As soon as we get that back, we move forward w/the HSG. G isn't out of the woods yet though. He still needs to do an U/S, and an additional SA w/DNA analysis. The latter takes about 3 weeks, and G has yet to schedule it. The U/S is scheduled for 6/10/09. So, it looks like G will be back for a f/u apt. w/the IU in about 4 weeks.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping that we would still get pg on our own before that apt. comes.


  1. I hope you don't need any of those appointments! However should this cycle not be the one, shoot me an email with your address and I'll send you all my left over cheapy OPK's, I think I have almost a full pack of 25!! BUT I hope you don't need them and fighting the man (the charting man that is) gets you KTFU!

  2. You are the best!!! I would be happy to take them off your hands. I'm not too worried if this cycle isn't it, because if DH's morph is the problem, it might take up to 3 months to show improvement. Just coastin';-)

  3. PS~this last batch of cheapies were the best OPKs I've ever used! Love them.
