Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Working Hard or Hardly Working?

Today I decided to move my blogging efforts to Blogspot. Yay.

DH starts school today...if he continues going full time, then he'll only have one more year after this semester! Yay! Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, he may start attending school PT starting next semester if we get KU in the next few months. He recently started working with an Aerospace company, and could most likely work there full time when ever he's ready. We just think it would be less stressful for both of us, if he was able to bring home the bacon (aka medical benefits) during my maternity leave incase I decide to return PT (if they let me) or we decide that being a SAHM is what we want.

To be honest, my work is threatening lay offs if we don't keep meeting our shareholder quotas. I've only worked here for 2.5 years, and am one of the newest employees. Things have also been slightly slow for me lately. I've never really "hit it off" with this job, it's certainly not my dream job...So, DH working FT would be a great opportunity for me to find that "it" job, spend a little more time on the house, and cover us incase my company does downsize "in these tough economic times." DH's career field is a lot more stable...

Sounds like a downer, but I'm actually in a pretty good mood. It's hump day, and I'm supposed to O this weekend which means lots of fun for me over the next 6-7 days *wink*

1 comment:

  1. YAY for O! I hope everything works out for you with your job and DH's job! Not liking your job sucks! I hated my job up until I graduated and started Nannying and Subbing! Keep your head up though, everything will work out! :)
