Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pill Poppin', No Stoppin'

So, as if I wasn't taking enough supplements with my PNV, B6 and Vitex. Let's not forget that I also throw green and pre-conception tea down my gullet by the gallon. I decided to add a couple more earthy lil' helpers to the mix.

Body, meet Evening Primrose Oil and Vitamin C. I know you and Vit C have met lots of times, but you're going to be seeing each other much, much more. Oh, and while we're on the subject of much, much more I might as well let you know now that you will be peeing clear from now on. That's right, TONS of water will be streaming (literally) through you on a daily, and probably nightly, basis. While we're at it, let get back on the exercise train that we jumped off of a few weeks ago, k?

Yes,'s healthy to be hydrated. Vitamin C boosts your immune system. Exercise is good for your heart and over-all health. But, the real motivation??? That nectar of the baby-making gods that every hopefully-fertile woman wishes to have...EWCM! I know, I know why not try some sort of expectorant? Well, because that's not how I roll. And I've read it only thins it out anyway. Besides, I've had great results from the B6/vitex already, increasing my LP by 2 days!!! Wooooohooooo. I'll just stick to ordering from the same earthy catalogue for now, thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Phew! That's quite a pill load. Good luck with the water and exercise...I'm trying to do that myself. It's a slow moving train for sure...
