Friday, August 7, 2009
1st Beta
Monday, August 3, 2009
Well, I've been testing since 8 DPO...The morning of 10 DPO, I saw a negative, but a little part of me thought I saw SOMETHING, but honestly it looked negative. So, I held my pee for 4 hours, tested again around 1030pm, and I swore I saw something there. But, I knew where that line should be, so I thought my brain was making it up, hahaha. So, I asked G to look, and he said he saw something, but didn't want to get his hopes up.
11DPO, FMU got a "pregnant" on the digital, and a SUPER faint line on a internet cheapy. So, I told G at 545a in the morning! Hahahaha. He said, "Really? It said pregnant?" cuddled me and fell back asleep. I couldn't sleep. I had no REAL symptoms, and was skeptical it was real/would stick (still am cautious).
Later that morning (8am-ish) I had a hair apt. DH was planning on driving me so he could take the dogs for a walk. We were also hoping to stop at my parent's house to have coffee (Since the salon is near my parent's house). We went outside to get into the car, and saw that it HAD BEEN BROKEN INTO!!!!! The back window was smashed, the sterio was ripped out (and gone). Upon further investigation, G realized his 80g video iPod was stolen too. So, I drove myself to the apt in our other car, while DH waited for the police, etc. Since G and I never seem to have something great happen without something annoying/bad happening, when I saw the robbed car I said, "We're definitely pregnant." We both laughed and nodded in agreement.
G met up with me later that morning, after having coffee w/my parents. He originally thought it would be funny to take the digital over to my parent's house and just leave it somewhere they would find (while we were there). But, coffee plans changed after the break in...and we were still debating whether we should tell them yet. My parent's decided to have breakfast down the street from where we were. So, we bought another digital, it was positive. So, we rolled it up in a bag, and met them at the restaurant (but couldn't stay). We asked the server to give them the bag after we left...The called me shortly after we left and were really excited, and said we got them good. Hahahahahaha.
I explained it was early, and we wanted to see the lines get darker before we got too chatty about it. Seriously though, I can't wait to call my Dr. I've been POAS all weekend b/c I want to see the line get darker. It was darker last night...and my boobs are pretty sore. I just want to see a decent beta now. Thank goodness for sensitive digitals!!! I would have drank Saturday, because we wouldn't have believed the cheapies! Human's who were not longing for a BFP would not have been able to see the lines!
My parents stopped by the house Saturday night, and gave us a bag of books from Barns&Nobel. They picked out some awesome books, that covered all the bases! Currently, the only people that know are my parents and G's parents, sister and brother.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Losing Hope
Monday, July 27, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Cycle #9, 2WW and Kitchen Reno
Now that I'm in the 2ww, I've defaulted to my original motivated do this, do that attitude, and cut out the caffeine. I also thought I would try the pineapple core this cycle, JIK. So, today I chopped that core into 5 not-so-equal pieces and popped one in my mouth. Not too bad, but I don't recommend doing this right after brushing your teeth! (I forgot, OK? I rarely drink orange juice so I'm not familiar w/the citrus-toothpaste rule).
Cycle #9...CYCLE #9...CYCLE #9...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. We are supposed to avoid for two cycles after this one, if we don't get our BFP. But, those dates were decided back when I first started TTC, and since I've been having much shorter cycles than expected, it looks like we have one more month AND THEN we have to start TTA. Also, it looks like were are going to get the HSG next cycle for sure. It's probably good too b/c if there are any issues, we will have some time while TTA to figure out what we want to do, and get things taken care of so we are ready to go when we start TTC again.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Kitchen Renovation!!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
HSG this cycle = FAIL!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
My Appointment With the RE
Well, the RE was much more amazing than the nurse I talked to on the phone. The great thing about the Cleveland Clinic (and I'm sure most hospitals are on a similar system) is everything's all right there in the system.
The RE was able to look at G's chart from the IU, my OB/GYN info, and BW all at once on the comp. AND he DID look at everything. He basically took a ton of info, I answered his questions...theyTSH came up almost immediately, and he instantly said, "I can help you with that." As you can imagine, this put me right at ease. My biggest worry was that he was going to make me see someone else for this.
After getting all my info, he said, "Well, your prognosis is really good." I said even w/G's SA info? He's like "yes...I'm looking at that right now. I've yet to see anyone w/a 14 on morphology and you can donate sperm at 5." This reassured me b/c he sees healthy males all the time, not just men w/issues like the IU.
I didn't even have to talk to him about the BW, he said, "Looks like we caught you during your surge." AWESOME...last thing I needed was another Dr. to tell me I was premenopausal. He did say he wasn't worried about my FSH. But, when I get BW to see if my thyroid is under control in 2 mo. he would like to double check the FSH numbers and get my BW on CD3 (yay!). Two months from now, but it's a start.
He of course wrote me a Rx for the sythroid and....said, "I would like to see you at the low end of normal, like 1-2 range." Which is great b/c this means he really is looking at my TSH from a TTC POV. (as he should) He said, I expect I'll see you in here really soon, when you get an HPT+, we'll do an u/s and I'll kick you back to the OB, because you should be a low risk pg. Good to know.
He also said that I'm welcome to wait a few months, or until the year mark to get an HSG. But, since it's associated w/increased fertility, I'm welcome to do it anytime. Gave me the slip and told me what time in my cycle to schedule it if I "was in a hurry." All and all, it was sweet to be able to make some decisions and have some tools at my disposal. I can go into any of the CC BW labs w/o paper work b/c it's in the system, and the HSG is at my discretion.
He did say if things don't work out, and I reach a year, we can move forward w/some more scrutinizing tests. He's one of those that is "fine" w/charting. But, doesn't think it's necessary. He's not even a fan of OPKs because he thinks it's an added expense that you don't need if you're have sex regularly enough. So, I guess that works for me!
Monday, June 8, 2009
I Love you Doc. But I don't have to like you right now!
Here's the kicker...the OB proceeded to tell me that I had some other funky numbers come up w/my LH. He said they were at pre-menopausal levels (high). Eh, hem...Dr.? How about before you go into questioning me about my periods you confirm on what CD you asked me to have this BW??? He asked me to go in Monday, and said that he wasn't concerned w/the cycle day (I guess because he wasn't testing for the estrogens and progesterone hormones). I went in on CD13...that evening I got my 1st OPK+ of the cycle!!! Of course my LH was high, I was signally ovulation! Pre-menopausal. Are you kidding me? -10 points OB.
Granted he told me right off the bat that I was welcome to see the RE from the start. He claimed he was more than happy to start seeing me as he was able to deal w/mild fertility issues...but, that was as far as he'd be able to take me. I didn't realize that he was that serious. I forget that Drs really only know about their specialties!!! Lesson learned. Regardless of pg issues, I will only be seeing an endocrinologist to manage my thyroid. Luckily, this RE that my Dr. has recommended is also an endocrinologist...So, he will be able to manage my thyroid, confirm my results (I cannot wait for re-test on appropriate CDs) and potentially help me get pg if we find I need help. If the RE doesn't believe his services are necessary, and kicks me back to my OB...I will start seeing the other Endo. Either way, I should benefit. Hopefully.....
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Speaking of BW. G got some done yesterday, as well. He also had his IU apt. and the Urologist doesn't seem too concerned w/the morphology #. Since his count is so good, and his motility is damn near 100%, he felt had enough information to suggest getting moving w/me. That's why I got BW yesterday. When I relayed this info to my Dr. he was ready to go, and ordered the BW for that evening. As soon as we get that back, we move forward w/the HSG. G isn't out of the woods yet though. He still needs to do an U/S, and an additional SA w/DNA analysis. The latter takes about 3 weeks, and G has yet to schedule it. The U/S is scheduled for 6/10/09. So, it looks like G will be back for a f/u apt. w/the IU in about 4 weeks.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping that we would still get pg on our own before that apt. comes.
Monday, June 1, 2009
To Chart or Not to Chart?
I personally do not think it is neccessary. Certainly, many woman get pregnant without it. Getting pregnant is all about having sex and getting lucky (So, I guess that would be, getting lucky then getting lucky again, lol.). There are two major strategies: Have sex often throughout your cycle, or timing intercourse during your fertile time. Both will get you pregnant.
I DO think charting is helpful for most. My ovulation date tends to fall into the old stand by of CD14. So, I probably would have been just fine aiming there. For others who have long or irregular cycles, it can be a god send. For these woman TTC can be exhausting. For other's they claim charting helps them save money. For me...that's not the case. I like to test at 8DPO (I know, I know). Since, I don't know exactly when that is now. I'm just waiting until CD28...since my cycles is rarely even 27 days.
The catch...charting has helped me pick out some clues as to when I'm going to ovulate and helped train me to recognize FCM. So, in the end I think it's good for everyone to chart at least a few cycles. But, you don't NEED to. Also, I think that it's perfectly fine to give yourself a few cycles the old fashioned way, or do as I did and chart to learn about your cycles then use that knowledge w/o charting.
Personally, I still make a mental note of my CM. I also keep track of where I am in my cycle. Of course, lots of sex! Can't really do much more than that, even if I am charting.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Boys Will Be Boys
Speaking of boy's baby-making parts, my male dachshund has decided to become more, eh hem, masculine. Slowly over the past few months, he's been developing typical male behavior: marking and barking. It doesn't matter what type of punishment he gets, nothing has seemed to discourage his random dog aggression and territory marking. He used to be the sweetest, easy gonig lil' pup in the world. Lately, he pees on random objects in the house or garage, and even the bbq. He's randomly aggressive towards certain dogs when on leash or at a dog park. We finally found a descent website outlining all the steps we need to take to remedy this. Basically, we have to go back to puppy times, i.e. goes out to potty on a leash, not allowed out of our site in the house, not allowed to stop to pee when on walks (aka can only go when given the go ahead), prohibited from ever entering areas where he cannot be trusted, we have to work at developing positive associations w/other dogs and behaviors via treats (hello perma-treat-crumb-lined pockets...again), and possibly using sprays and other deterrents from poor behavior. All this re-training is supposed to last for 1-2 months. But, if it works, it's so worth it. I can't stand him being this completely different dog!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The Excitement is Building
In the mean time, I'm doing AWESOME in my quest to run three 1/2Ms in 4 months. Week 1 down, and passed w/flying colors! I ran 7 miles like a rock star on Saturday in beautiful Ottawa. The running trails there are extensive and border the river. Couldn't have asked for better progress. I was really struggling this week, and then BAM! 7 miles came like I was back to my old self. I'm pretty optimistic that things were meant to work out this way (or is that the endorphins talking). Oh, I guess I should mention that depending on how the 2nd 1/2 M goes, if I am not pg, I might train for the Full instead of the 1/2! Woooo wooooo.
I also wanted to add that I couldn't have done any of this w/o G. He's been sooooo supportive and right there with me. He ran 7 miles for the 1st time this weekend. He's not planning on running the 1/2 (he's doing the 10K, it will be his 1st). But, he's determined to get as healthy as possible. He is really bringing it to the table as far as trying to do whatever he can to rememdy the SA issue, and is certainly determined to get out of our unhealthy rut regardless of whether it ends in a BFP or not. THANKS BABY!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
After reading some more info on, I have realized that even though I make G (or both of us) out to have alcoholism, we really don't. We certainly indulge too much have developed an unhealthy habit. It looks like there really could be something to be said about cutting out alcohol to increase sperm quality. Again, the main attributes of a sperm-healthy lifestyle include: No Drugs or smoking, limited alcohol and caffeine, exercise, fruits and vegetables (organic is best), hormone-free animal products, lots of water, and a daily multi-vitamin. So, only another SA (or BFP?) in 3 months will determine whether this life-style tune up has worked. But, in the least we'll be healthy...and I'll have run three 1/2 Marathons!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Just Relax!
So, G is slated to get into the INFERTILITY Urologist (the I-word, really?) June 1st. This morning, that wasn't that far away. But, now it seems like FOREVER away. But, I guess it's good because G is convinced it's because of alcohol, and has sworn it off. We are going to continue to get back to our old health nut life style...and cross our fingers that things improve. Or better yet, maybe we'll get that BFP!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Dancing Queen
As I mentioned in last month's check-in (did I mention I'm horrible at keeping a blog???), I'm trying to scale down my efforts. Instead of using the glitter, push-up bras, and skimpy tops I've been using to seduce me a BFP...I'm opting for the a more girl next door aproach. Think bramuda shorts, flip flops and a bikini top. Still totally seduction-worthy, but certainly a different way to skin the cat (pardon the horrible non-vegan metaphor). Let it be said that this lil' girl next door has been to college, spent a few nights in TJ, and is consequently no where near naive (am I the only one who remembers how to spell this word by spelling evian backwards???).
So, what does this mean for chart stalkers, and tickers, and me? Well, I will not longer be charting. I think I have been charting long enough to know I'm close enough to regular. Barring a super-irregular cycle, and even if I have a one off, I think I'm now comfortable to switch from the Timing method to the Covering the Bases method. So far, in 6 cycles, I have O'd between CD 12 and CD16...aiming to have sex at least every other day from the end of AF (or anytime between then and CD10, for that matter) to CD16, should be sufficient to cover the bases. Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to be paying attention to CM and try to take advantage of those days. I'm also going to keep track of my cycle days...So, I'm still agressively TTC, I'm just not charting or using OPKs. I was planning on foregoing all the supplements, but I think that I'm going to stick with taking GTE and EPO until I see EWCM. It seems to have worked nicely the past two cycles.
So, I'm definitely not OUT this cycle, but I went from pretty sure, to doubtful this morning. G is going to try to schedule his SA for Monday morning...and then hopefully I can schedule an apt w/my Doc Wednesday or Thursday (to discuss the results and get BW done). After that, we have to see what the Dx is, and if that's all good, we move onto the HSG. After that, if it's all good, we're just going to keep banging away at it (hahahaha) for a couple more months. If nothing by then, I guess we discuss options w/the Dr. and potentially move to his associate who is a specialist. I'm a planner, but I think this is enough of a plan for now (I'm sure you do too).
In the mean time, I'm going to sign up for 3 races. Try to get back on track at work and at home (cleaning, organizing and renovations). I'll hopefully lose these 5 TTC lbs, get my ass to work on time, and enjoy this SUMMER!!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
BFNs AND Fertility Friends
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Pill Poppin', No Stoppin'
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
TTC is short for WAITING, AF is short for Strategic Planning for Next Cycle
Speaking of OPKs, I had a lovely little fake out on CD9 last cycle. I ordered 20 of the super-cheapie PIAC-style OPKs, with 5 cheapie HPTs...Why 20, you may ask? Well, here's hoping! I imagine I will use approx 10 sticks this month and next. This would be me hoping that I will "get lucky" in the next two cycles. Why 10 sticks a month? Well, since it appears I was gearing to O around CD9, I can't in good conscience start PIAC any later than CD9. Since I've O'd as late as CD15, that puts me at a max of 7 OPKs to detect O. This month, I wouldn't mind continuing to PIAC after my OPK+ to detect when my surge ends.
For you mathies, let me break it down for you: 15-9=6 +(7*.5)=9.5...What? That's real math! confused? That's because I wasn't finished. Obviously, there is no such thing as 9.5 OPKs, so for simplicity-sake I have rounded up. Yes, Susie? You have a question? Oh, of course it's possible I will use fewer than 9.5, I mean 10 OPKs. But, we were looking for the max, my dear.
Next Cycle Strategic Planning Meeting Minutes:
(I make sure my secretary takes minutes, because DH aka the VP of TTC, is often absent from these I just give him the blow by blow, teh he)
1. Sex at least every other day post AF, before CD9.
2. Sex at least everyday CD9 to OPK+
3. Try for extra bonus sex on day of OPK+ or AM sex the following day
4. Continue daily sex (if not dead from humping like rabbits) until confirmed O
5. All the while, PIAC several times, take vitex and B6, and drink gobs of pre-conception and gree tea.
Man, strategically-timed sex makes me SO horny............meeting adjourned.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Laundry Room Renovation
Notice all the pipes and valves that come out of the wall...the old cabinets.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Cracked eggs and teeth
Back to the eggs...mine isn't fertilized. Hopefully one will be maturing soon, as I am on official cycle #3! In a way I'm actually glad to have made it to cycle #3 for several reasons:
1. I kind of like the idea of striking out a couple times before hitting a home run...more suspense. (At least right now that's how I feel...still in a normal time frame for TTC)
2. My SIL is (hopefully) going to have her first IUI next month, and I would love for her to get pg before or at the same time as me, since she's been trying a bit longer than I have.
3. I'll get to have a drink for V-day and possibly my Bday!
4. If I can't have a drink on my B-day, it's because I will have gotten a BFP! What a fun prospect. Two years ago I bought myself a house for my Bday, so it's only fitting;-)
5. I won't be considered a "drive-by" on GP and actually have people pulling for me there.
6. Barring me losing my job...Hubby will be able to get it at least one more FT semester in college before going PT. Meaning he'll graduate sooner, yay!
7. I have longer to re-establish my post-marathon exercise routine before getting pg, so I can have a healthy pregnancy. (My docs pro running before and during pregnancy!)
8. I can save up a lil' more vacation time for Mat Leave.
9. I have more time to get the house where I would like it to be before baby comes.
10. More time to save more money!
That's me right now, glass half full kinda girl! I'm gonna need that glass at least half full too, to swallow my new supplement regimen. I'm taking B6 this cycle, and am going to start vitex as soon as it arrives in my mail box. I'm back on my pre-conception tea kick as well, and continuing the green tea sippin'. I think DH is starting to get a lil' serious about the first T in TTC too. Which is pretty freakin' sweet. I felt like it was only me worrying about and coordinating everything, which for me gets overwhelming because I very much need him to be in this with me...he is my very necessary teammate in all this. I would not want to do this without him. I know they can't be nearly as involved as the woman, but I just need him to be involved enough that I don't feel like I'm the only one who wants this.
Teeth. I started the process of getting my cracked onlay replaced last week, and it's been a series of annoyances. The temp fell off on Saturday, and has not wanted to stay on since...I went in Monday to get that sucker nailed on, and it lasted, Oh about 6 hours. Anyway, I decided not to call them again because I'm sick of going in all the time...But, have resolved to make due with drug store goop to keep it on and call the DDS to see if they can just get me in sooner for the perm.
Anyway, I'm trying to stay optimistic about EVERYTHING, and not worry about the things that aren't really in my control. I'm very pleased to see that my charts easy to read, and that most things appear to be working correctly...minus the incredible shrinking cycle and somewhat shortER LP length, I have no complaints. Except with these cramps.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Eggs and Eggshells
...that brings us to the eggs. I confirmed O today on FF. That's right. Got me some mighty fine CHs. My charts looking good. I'm no doc, but things appear to be pretty normal on the hormone front. But, I'm not too confident with this cycle. A couple things weren't ideal, and as far as timing goes, I only got a "good" reading. So, it's not for sure, but it's not impossible. The evening that would have been prime was the evening that my friend got fired. I broke down to DH and appologized in advance for him possibly having to drop out of some classes and go full time at work...he was totally supportive, and obviously up to do whatever ended up needing to happen. But, then I started thinking about medical coverage, and being pg. I think that put a damper on my TTC efforts because part of me felt irresponsible. I mean anyone could lose there job at anytime, and unless you know you're going to get laid off, what are you supposed to do? I'm the one with the medical coverage, and if DH went FT at his job, he would be subject to a 90 day waiting period before benefits would kick in anyway.
I guess in a way it's kind of nice, not wanting it so badly. I want to be pg, but I also believe that life is a mixture of fate and hard work. So, I have the "it will happen when it's meant to happen" approach to TTC this cycle. DH and I believe in ourselves, that we can figure things out and get through anything that's thrown our way. We're going to keep trying, and working, but we're not totally in control of variables such as work and the economy. We can't put life on hold just because we're not fortune tellers.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Working Hard or Hardly Working?
DH starts school today...if he continues going full time, then he'll only have one more year after this semester! Yay! Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, he may start attending school PT starting next semester if we get KU in the next few months. He recently started working with an Aerospace company, and could most likely work there full time when ever he's ready. We just think it would be less stressful for both of us, if he was able to bring home the bacon (aka medical benefits) during my maternity leave incase I decide to return PT (if they let me) or we decide that being a SAHM is what we want.
To be honest, my work is threatening lay offs if we don't keep meeting our shareholder quotas. I've only worked here for 2.5 years, and am one of the newest employees. Things have also been slightly slow for me lately. I've never really "hit it off" with this job, it's certainly not my dream job...So, DH working FT would be a great opportunity for me to find that "it" job, spend a little more time on the house, and cover us incase my company does downsize "in these tough economic times." DH's career field is a lot more stable...
Sounds like a downer, but I'm actually in a pretty good mood. It's hump day, and I'm supposed to O this weekend which means lots of fun for me over the next 6-7 days *wink*