Friday, May 15, 2009

Dancing Queen

I need to "Get My Head and Body Back."I took this line from a fellow GPer. She expressed this "need" to me when we were talking about how we've let our bodies and heads be consumed by TTC...Even though we may have been convinced this wasn't the case. The scale never lies. My depreciating productivity at home and work, doesn't lie. So, regardless of whether or not our conversation was a pipe dream remniscent of the ramblings friends have in a bar at close, I'm making a point to get my life back on track. I no longer enjoy dancing in the club that is TTC. The lights have turned on and the glitter on the floor has dulled. Most of the ladies that were standing in the VIP line w/me, have long since gone home w/there BFPs.

As I mentioned in last month's check-in (did I mention I'm horrible at keeping a blog???), I'm trying to scale down my efforts. Instead of using the glitter, push-up bras, and skimpy tops I've been using to seduce me a BFP...I'm opting for the a more girl next door aproach. Think bramuda shorts, flip flops and a bikini top. Still totally seduction-worthy, but certainly a different way to skin the cat (pardon the horrible non-vegan metaphor). Let it be said that this lil' girl next door has been to college, spent a few nights in TJ, and is consequently no where near naive (am I the only one who remembers how to spell this word by spelling evian backwards???).

So, what does this mean for chart stalkers, and tickers, and me? Well, I will not longer be charting. I think I have been charting long enough to know I'm close enough to regular. Barring a super-irregular cycle, and even if I have a one off, I think I'm now comfortable to switch from the Timing method to the Covering the Bases method. So far, in 6 cycles, I have O'd between CD 12 and CD16...aiming to have sex at least every other day from the end of AF (or anytime between then and CD10, for that matter) to CD16, should be sufficient to cover the bases. Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to be paying attention to CM and try to take advantage of those days. I'm also going to keep track of my cycle days...So, I'm still agressively TTC, I'm just not charting or using OPKs. I was planning on foregoing all the supplements, but I think that I'm going to stick with taking GTE and EPO until I see EWCM. It seems to have worked nicely the past two cycles.

So, I'm definitely not OUT this cycle, but I went from pretty sure, to doubtful this morning. G is going to try to schedule his SA for Monday morning...and then hopefully I can schedule an apt w/my Doc Wednesday or Thursday (to discuss the results and get BW done). After that, we have to see what the Dx is, and if that's all good, we move onto the HSG. After that, if it's all good, we're just going to keep banging away at it (hahahaha) for a couple more months. If nothing by then, I guess we discuss options w/the Dr. and potentially move to his associate who is a specialist. I'm a planner, but I think this is enough of a plan for now (I'm sure you do too).

In the mean time, I'm going to sign up for 3 races. Try to get back on track at work and at home (cleaning, organizing and renovations). I'll hopefully lose these 5 TTC lbs, get my ass to work on time, and enjoy this SUMMER!!!


  1. Sounds like you have an awesome plan, that is not a plan! I wish you the best, as always!!!

  2. Hey I left you a little something on my blog, check it out!!!
