Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just Relax!

Bwahahahahahahaha. That's what G's sperm factory has been doing! Got the SA results today, and not good. Actually everything is awesome except his abnormal sperm % is high. He only has 4% normal sperm. Boooooooooooooooooooo So, looks like there are no tests to be done for me in the near future. The doc wants to resolve/confirm G's issue before pokin' around my lady parts.

So, G is slated to get into the INFERTILITY Urologist (the I-word, really?) June 1st. This morning, that wasn't that far away. But, now it seems like FOREVER away. But, I guess it's good because G is convinced it's because of alcohol, and has sworn it off. We are going to continue to get back to our old health nut life style...and cross our fingers that things improve. Or better yet, maybe we'll get that BFP!


  1. I hope his June 1st tests come back looking better! Maybe he just had a bad batch! Best of luck!

  2. I'm thinking the same thing...but, I'm 1. not sure he's doing another SA. 2. I hope that if it's looking better it's due to a lifestyle change, b/c then I'm going to be thinking, "So, we haven't found any answers." So bitter sweet!
